THURSDAY, 16 September 2004
Europejski Hotel - Hall II
10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Session of the Working Group on Non-invasive Electrocardiology

Standard electrocardiogram in modern clinical practice


R. Piotrowicz (Warszawa)
P.W. Macfarlane (Glasgow, GB)
W. Zaremba (Rochester NY, USA)



ECG measures, including short term heart rate variability, of risk assessment. Lessons from WOSCOPS inter alia.
P.W. Macfarlane
(Glasgow, GB)


12-lead ECG in risk stratification of patients for ICD therapy.
W. Zaremba
(Rochester NY, USA)


Electrocardiographic diagnosis of left ventricular hypertrophy - does it contain informations beyond echocardiography?
M. Sosnowski