FRIDAY, 17 September 2004
The Grand Theatre - Mlynarski Hall
10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Jubilee Session chaired by the Presidents of PCS

Hot topics I

Przewodniczący / Chairpersons

A. Cieśliński (Poznań)
J. Kwoczyński



New targets for cholesterol lowering: results of the TIMI-22 PROVE-IT trial.
E. Braunwald (Boston, USA)


Diabetes and myocardial infarction.
M. Bartnik (Stockholm, S)


The use and mechanism of action of beta-blockers in the treatment of heart failure.
P.A. Poole-Wilson
(London, GB)


Invasive therapeutic techniques in heart failure treatment.
E. Ovsyscher (Beer-Sheva, IL)